Monday, May 9, 2011

Rubber Gloves

An excerpt from my book. (in progress)

April 1998
Rubber gloves are rubbery. You cover you hands with them. Your hand is at the end of you arm and wrist with the elbow in between, without the elbow, it would feel like a long lifeless object. Objects can be anything, from a box to a comb, from a twig to a bone. Bones are in the body. I think there are lot of bones in the body. Imagine, if you had no bones, you would be like jelly. Jelly comes in all sorts of colours, colours like the rainbow. A rainbow; I guess is a bow made out of rain. Well that’s what I was told. I was told a lot of things, things like not to speak with your mouth full, or to knock the teeth out of the kid next door. The kid next door is annoying he’s always bullying other kids at school. School is not my favourite place to be. The best, best thing, however about schools, are holidays. Holidays are great, especially during Christmas, when you get presents. Presents are the best, especially when they are wrapped in colourful shiny paper. Paper comes from trees. I used to climb trees when I was little and watch the neighbours cut their tress. Trees give wood. Wood is useful because you get all sorts of useful things from wood. Pinocchio was made out of wood. He lied a lot, you shouldn’t lie.  It’s an unhealthy acquired habit. Germs are unhealthy; they are small micro organisms that can make you very ill. Doctors can cure some illnesses, There are many kinds of doctors. They get a crack out of wearing surgical masks and rubber gloves. Rubber gloves are rubbery.

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