Tuesday, May 17, 2011

About Sketches

Man, I love a good sketch. I always have.

They are very under appreciated because they are done so quickly. But I think a sketch implies a deeper understanding of the subject than a finished piece. The object of any drawing ought to be to communicate the subject to the viewer as simply and completely as possible. A sketch can do all that and at the same time it brings life to the drawing that is often missing from a finished piece. 

I am not an artist. I have however, doodled endlessly on several occasions that I considered pure boredom. Whilst piecing the puzzles of putting this book together, I realized this book needed more then just words. 

Pictures explain the writing.

The beauty is that it need not depict the exact words read, but helps to visualize the writing and capture the message or theme in the reader’s own thoughts.

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