Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Stranger

When I was working at the power company in 2002 in the city, I used to walk past an old man on crutches everyday, on my way to work, in the morning and in the afternoons. This man, (and I say this because I don't see him around now) not so often, is a wonderful old man. He has twinkling eyes and the most welcoming smile as if nothing could ever disappoint him.

I’m quite sure he has children who are probably (insensitive and insincere) because he would come across to me as a wonderful father. He acknowledges me as his ‘beta’ or son and after our brief conversation about how busy the city is or hot it has been, he’d smile at me and say, ‘God bless you and have a good day’. Despite his unfortunate circumstance (he has an amputated left leg) he stands at the same spot by the newspaper stand everyday, watching the hustle and bustle of the busy street. He’s a wonderful man and his smile is a pat on my back and an encouragement to appreciate life.

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