Saturday, October 6, 2012


Scream out FIRE!

Guys running down the driveway
Their future was young, but it
Swallowed them alive
What fun it used to be
Hanging out
By the pool parlour

Their fragile lives
Chances thrown
Overthrown by a domineering power
They came from their villages,
But woke up to shattered dreams
One t-shirt reads “tabu soro” and they did

Smoking under the street light
Choking all fire lights
It took them 18 years to get this far

They sit
Bury heads in hands

End Note:
This was written during the Coup of 2000. I remember rioting and looting, whilst sitting at the back of the TV company vehicle which I worked for, (my first job after my return from my New Zealand trip). Curfews were placed and there was this notion of helplessness.

I remember going to the public hospital, trying to find medical supplies for my mother and as I walked towards the old grand hospital, I saw on the streets a group of young men possibly running away from the looting, some were limping, some moaning in pain, some bleed profusely. They had visible fresh cuts and bruises on their bleeding faces and arms. It inspired me to write about how young people can be so naïve and so ignorant. Perhaps they are going through an experience which may change their lives later.

You Know

You know that you’re only here because you wanted to.
You arrived at your destination one day at a time; you held your breath still
But tried your very best not to slip and not to fall
But you did
You slipped 
you did fall

But you got up with a silenced vigour,
unrestrained tears running down your cheek

Helpless yet hopeful
Bitter yet sweet

You know you made it
You know
You are here not only because you wanted to



September 1999

What is the purpose of a strong mind?
to withstand all the grave danger that pushes one to a corner?

What is the sense of gravity?
that makes you grounded and stand firm in what you believe in?

What is the reason for wars and bombs?
when the world will end anyway?

But I ask you
what is your sole purpose on this earth in this life?

to make a difference to others


to change the way others think?

The Stranger

When I was working at the power company in 2002 in the city, I used to walk past an old man on crutches everyday, on my way to work, in the morning and in the afternoons. This man, (and I say this because I don't see him around now) not so often, is a wonderful old man. He has twinkling eyes and the most welcoming smile as if nothing could ever disappoint him.

I’m quite sure he has children who are probably (insensitive and insincere) because he would come across to me as a wonderful father. He acknowledges me as his ‘beta’ or son and after our brief conversation about how busy the city is or hot it has been, he’d smile at me and say, ‘God bless you and have a good day’. Despite his unfortunate circumstance (he has an amputated left leg) he stands at the same spot by the newspaper stand everyday, watching the hustle and bustle of the busy street. He’s a wonderful man and his smile is a pat on my back and an encouragement to appreciate life.

Rising Above

Feel the oceans raise
You keep rising above them

Spin your board around
Waves so huge

At a radical speed
And you flow with the ripples
Paddle hard
Push that soul
Cutback the weight in your pocket
And reach your goal

Go fast
Visit the undersea tubes
Flick out

You rule


Pay attention to your dreams -
God's angels often speak
directly to    
          our hearts when     
                  we are

Quoted in The Angels' Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Silent Visitor

June 2001
My second cousin (once removed), long brown haired Melissa spent a few nights at home during and after the funeral. She was one of those cousins, whom you seem to get acquainted with at birthday parties or other unfortunate family gatherings. Our mothers introduced us a few months prior to mum’s illness. A real bunny she is.  Well, that’s what I call her, Bush Bunny, I suppose at some time in our life we all were.
It was another one of those long, long afternoons which then turned into a long night. The sun fell suddenly and the night sky took over.  It was indeed a night I wanted to stretch my hands and legs out as far as I could possibly reach, exhaustion has settled in. There were about thirty odd visitors, friends and other people whom I could not even imagine to spend a minute talking, who had congregated, some in the living room, some in the kitchen (the women mostly) and the men having kava outside on the veranda.
“When will they leave?” I thought to myself, smiling outside my teeth as I past them by. Melissa played the happy hostess and my brother ignored every single moment and walked off to the nearby pool parlour to accommodate his boredom.
Three whole nights in a row, the reverend had given a powerful message about grief, death and all that sort of subjects to anticipate during a funeral.
I sat in the living room and waited for all the people to leave. The silent whispers and chattering, clicking of tea-cups was giving me an unbearable migraine. It was only after ten thirty or so when everyone started to leave.
And they did, one at a time, a kiss on the cheek here and a pat on the back there. Every gesture seemed so uniformed, so fake.
We were all exhausted, Dad retired to bed immediately, Melissa and I shared my room and my brother decided to watch a movie in the living room.
Before he settled to a rattly DVD, Rainal decided to kiss me goodnight and tucked me in. We were relieved that would the last night we saw people. At least the ones that mattered were with us at that moment.
Within the next half an hour, Melissa and I were dead to the world.
The smell of a new morning was refreshingly welcoming. I lay in bed, looking at the roses which hung from my ceiling, thinking about the bizarre dreams I had the previous night.
Melissa woke up, yawning, but looking bright eyed and bushy tailed.
“I didn’t know I was asleep until I woke up”, she said stretching. Did that statement even make sense? Rainal was called into the room to justify her thoughts that exact moment. I smiled. Melissa had that effect on me. 
Rainal came into the room. He looked even more tired and drained from the previous day, for the two most obvious reasons, he played Worms Armageddon all night or watched DVDs.
He sat on the edge of the bed. Just as he did so, Melissa threw a pillow at him.
“Was it you who decided to peek into the room while Jos and I were sleeping? You almost woke me up. But I think you were actually checking on Jos because I smiled and looked away and then you smiled and kept looking over me”, she said still yawning.
“O…K,” was his reply.
Melissa and I sat up. We anticipated what to hear next.
“Last night”, Rainal continued in a slow voice, “Dad woke up, startled. He walked into the sitting room and began putting his shoes on. He looked pale yet excited. He said he could feel mum in the house and was following her out. I thought he was sleep walking and tried to snap him out of it but he seemed so adamant to walk out of the door”
A cold shiver ran down my spine. I clutched Melissa’s hand that instant.
“What time was this?” she asked. 
“Maybe at about two”, he replied. “I thought I heard something fall in your room and that’s when I saw dad in the living room.”
I jumped leant over my bed and looked on the floor. My pink swatch was lying on the floor, clock face down. The items on the dresser remained unstirred.
I picked up the watch. There was a sudden silence in the room as I looked at the time on the watch. The clock looked back at me. The hands were stiff still and not a movement was made from the clockwork.
The clock showed 2:13

The Mentor

The Mentor

Clearly, when you take the journey of life, you must have a mentor; or at least someone like it.

Who is life’s greatest mentor? Someone who can advocate your beliefs, a trusted friend, counselor or teacher? I should change the title to mentors as I have met a lot of people who have taught me something or the other.

In the case of this, there is one person I would like to channel this out to. I won’t name this individual because even this person is still in the process of learning. What I learnt from her was time heals and patience brings good things. I hope she is able to apply this to herself though as much as I have.

The other person has played a very imperative role in my life. Perhaps for this I have been able to understand why things happen for the reason that they do. As much as I would love to name this person, I don’t think it would be necessary considering the elements involved. I will however thank the person for whatever I have learnt as we walked the spectacular journey at a certain period in our lives together.


Putting all planets in line with my height
Everything that comes my way

I take

I yearn for more

I adore my lyrical ability

Despise my own brilliance even

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Silent Things

When cold rains fall,
the silent things burry all

When the screaming winds pass by
The silent things hold still

These are the silent things

Not satellites
Not fireflies
Not candle lights





